panic hankies

A limited edition, locally manufactured, emotive handkerchief company, including a special edition designed for The New Museum Store, NYC


A solo show at Brooklyn Wayfarers in 2013. All works made from sugar crystals grown on various materials.


Music video for Gois, from Dave Linnenbank’s debut album, The Problem is Last Year. 6:09, 2012. Animation made from a screen printed image of the Passage du Gois, a road in France that floods twice a day at high tide, manipulated with watercolor and acrylic and cut with images shot on a smart phone.

jardin de l’empereur

An outdoor installation created during a National Endowment for the Arts funded residency at VCCA’s Moulin À Nef in Auvillar, France. Ceramic, locally found objects, piano wire; 2012.

sweet senescence

sweet senescence, at the Red Mill Gallery, Johnson, VT 2010. A show that melted in the summer heat.

exhibit design

Large scale exhibit design with a focus on pharmaceuticals and the life sciences. Designs were produced for Global Experience Specialists, formerly Exhibitgroup Giltspur. 3D renderings and fly-throughs produced with AutoDesk 360.

paper jungle

paper jungle

A 3-month installation at the RISD Museum in 2007, designed to decay over the course of the show. Funded by the Sitings Award, “an annual competition that invites RISD students to respond to the Museum’s collection, its architectural idiosyncracies, and the way people navigate its spaces.” A walk-through of the jungle after 2 months.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle T-shirt design just for fun.